The aim of the work is the study of mechanisms of German elecampane (Inula germanica L.) adap-tation to drought and soil salinity on the basis of anatomical and morphological features and locali-zation of products of secondary metabolism. On the level of transpiration German elecampane is the present xerothyte, in relation to salinity of the soil is impenetrable for salts glycophyte. The main mechanism of drought resistance and salt-endurance is water metabolism regulation. Mor-phological and biochemical devices of German elecampane by the drought are xeromorphic struc-ture of a leaf (lack of stoma on the upper face of leaves, a thick folded cuticle, double facing of con-ductive bunches); the accumulation of crystals of Sodium oxalatum of calcium and prime sugars in the leaf mesophyll; the lignification of open collat-eral bunches of the stalk; internal secretion of es-sential oils in epidermis in semiflorets; the accu-mulation of rubber in leaves and core of the root; the synthesis of anthracene-derivatives and tan-ning agents in roots and stalks, inulin in roots. The feature of the stalk structure is the lignification of fabrics of the central cylinder. The cells of the lower epidermis of the leaves have sinuous walls, the stomata of anomotsital type, glandular and simple hairs, oil droplets. The cells of upper epidermis are polygonal or undulating. The cuticle on both sides of the leaf is thick, folded. The crystals of Sodium oxalatum of calcium are localized in unspecialized crystalliferous cells of mesophyll in the form of large polyhedral aggregates of crystals of spherical shape. The cells of epidermis of semiflorets are oblong with straight walls; the epidermis is covered with a thick cuticle; there are internal oil droplets and external capitate glandular hairs. The data ob-tained expand the understanding of the mecha-nisms of drought resistance and salt-endurance of German elecampane. The set of anatomical-morphological and phytochemical features can be used as diagnostic features in identifying species of Inula germanica L.
Inula germanica L, drought re-sistance, salt-endurance, products of secondary metabolism, leaf, root, stalk, semifloret
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