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Abstract (English):
One of important tasks of agrarian and industrial complex is the intensification of herd horse breed-ing on the basis of the improvement of breeding and productive qualities of bred animals. In this regard the researches directed on studying meat efficiency and meat quality of young growth of horses of different genotypes are actual. For the experiment 3 groups of horses of different geno-types were selected: native Khakass horses bred "in themselves" (I); ½ of blood, received from pair-ing mares of Khakass breed with stallions of Oryol courser breed (II) and ½ blood, was from local mares to stallions of Russian heavy breed (III). Khakass × Russian heavy draft hybrids surpassed in quantitative and quality indicators of meat effi- ciency Khakass native and Khakass × Oryol cours-er breed mates which testifies to their ability of ge-netic potential in the conditions of herd keeping. So, pre-slaughter weight of сolts of the third group was 342.73 kg, i.e. 17.03 and 36.00 kg more in comparison with groups I and II. The experimental young growth had rather high meat exit and fluctu-ated from 50.54 % in the second group to 53.58 % in the third. The greatest number of horse flesh of the 1-st grade was received in group III (71.5 %) which was for 0.7 and 3.2 % higher in comparison with mates of groups I and II. The hulks of group III and I were characterized by high caloric content. The carcasses of animals of group II contained minimum quantity of fat i.e. 47.9 less also than 57.9 % in relation to groups I and II respectively. For meat efficiency increasing in horses in the con-ditions of pasturable keeping we consider expedi-ent pairing of Khakass native mares with stallions of Russian heavy draft breed.

genotype, young growth of horses, horse flesh, meat efficiency, hulk, bones, fat, mus-cular and connective tissue, chemical composition, power value
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