In city ecosystems synanthropic animals, in par-ticular dogs have special value. Sharpness of the situation is aggravated with constants and more and more amplifying contacts of the people with these animals. Stray dogs cause considerable damage, attacking various wildlife species and pose a risk to human health, damaging them and spreading infectious diseases (helminthiases and zoonotic infections). The study of stray dogs in the city of Surgut was carried out in 2014-2015, 1515 dogs were registered. The city territory is divided, taking into account architectural and town-planning zones in low-rise, multi-storey, forest park, industri-al and horticultural areas. Stray dogs are found throughout the entire territory of the city. Mongrel dogs dominate. In feeding behavior strategy pre-vails foraging and cadge. Optimum condition factor was for the urban population "1". The socialization of the dog population is high: in intrapopulation so-cialization are often found schooling groups and in relation to a person the dynamics changes from the prevalence of homeless in the snow-free period before the transition to the dominance of neglected dogs. The behavior in relation to a person varies with city zones and seasons: often recorded indif-ferent, cowardly especially in autumn and the num-ber of beggars is increasing on a snowy period. Behavioral and social characteristics of dogs popu-lation in Surgut was significantly different only in the forested area of the city, while among other areas significant differences were not identified, which may indicate strong connection between dogs and human, and their dependence on human life-sustaining activity.
city ecology, stray dogs, behavior of dogs, the city of Surgut
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