Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the study a new type of fertilizer, biohumus received in the Department of soil science and agrochemistry on technology of a vermicompost of waste of the woodworking industry (sawdust) and agriculture (a bird's dung) was used. The research objective was to estimate the influence of a new type of biohumus and azofoska on the properties of agrogrey soil, and also the productivity of corn and wheat. The approbation of fertilizers was carried out in a vegetative field experiment at the depart-ment of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university on agrogrey soil which is characterized by subacidic reaction of the environment, low content of organic substance and the elements of mineral food. Add-ing of different doses of biohumus into agrogrey soil promoted the change from subacidic reaction of the environment noted in control to close to neutral. It was shown that in dynamics under the influence of biohumus brought in 6 t/hectare the content of car-bon of organic substance, general forms of nitro-gen, phosphorus, potassium, and also the ex-change of potassium in agrogrey soil authentically raised. In the second year of supervision the de-crease of ammonium form of nitrogen and mobile phosphorus when entering biohumus into the soil caused by their carrying out by a corn crop was noted. The maximum quantities of land phytomass of corn and wheat were formed under the influence of the biohumus brought in a dose of 6 t/hectare and exceeded control for 56-60 %. It was shown that the power efficiency of biohumus brought in the doses of 3 and 6 t/hectare changed from 1.7 to 3.1 units. The Application of biohumus in the dose of 1.5 t/hectare against azofoska promoted the in-crease in power efficiency to 3.8 units.

sawdust, bird's dung, vermicom-posting, biohumus, azofoska, agrogrey soil, agro-chemical indicators
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