The feature of sea-buckthorn rootage is the abil-ity to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Tuber formations on roots can serve as indicators of food elements maintenance in substrates. Green cuttings are a widespread method of sea-buckthorn reproduction. Abundant watering of handles at green grafting technology results in washing off food elements outside rootforming zone. In order to prevent the loss of feed elements, it is rational to use fertilizers with a prolonging effect. The researches have shown that during the first year the development handles the influence on prolonging fertilizers on peritroph micoriza on roots was weak. The re-searches showed that variants of AVA - P75K30+N30 and AVA - P75K30 caused more active development of tubers: 3.3-8.3 pieces, in comparison with other experiment allotments. While using AVA in the dose P125K50 without nitrogen there was low num-ber of nodules equal to 0.7 pcs, which was on the control allotment. With control root-building was 68.0 %. It is more effective to use traditional miner-al fertilizers (76.0 %) and AVA fertilizers in high dose (90.0-92.0 %). Using AVA purely in low dose (P75K30) without urea nitrogen reduces handles formation up to 56.3 %. On the variant with the ferti-lizers of AVA at determination of planting-stock quality the best result was fixed while using P75K30+N30 and general exit of standard nursery transplants was 40 %. On the allotments with AVA - P75K30+N30 and AVA - P75K30 the dependence of formation of amount of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the quality of nursery transplants was marked, on these allotments low root appearance of handles was fixed.
sea-buckthorn, green cuttings, ni-trogen-fixing bacteria, root appearance, nursery transplants quality
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