Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Food poisonings and infections of the poultry are the problems influencing the safety of the pro-duction arriving on the table of the people and de-pending on conditions of the poultry keeping. The solution of this problem is priority activity of the poultry farms engaged in slaughter and processing of fowl. The work purpose was studying of slaugh-ter factors influencing the quality of meat of turkey poults. The researches were conducted in JSC „Evrodon‟ of Oktyabrsky rural district of Rostov Re-gion in 2016 on cross-country of turkey poults of BIG-6. The slaughter of turkeys at the age of 16 weeks and deboning of poultry carcasses were car-ried out according to State Standard 31490-2012. It was established that the exit of gutted carcass in males made 19.77±0.69 kg, i.e. 11.1 kg more, than in females. In the exit of offal the difference was also in males 0.13; 0.03; 0.10; 0.36; 0.08; 0.05 kg higher respectively for the heads, stomachs, wings, feet, a liver and hearts. In males the bigger exit of meat and bones from carcass, than in females is also observed: in the exit of fillet, hip, breast, wing, rump, framework the difference made 3.38; 1.3; 1.26; 0.79; 0.16; 1.33 kg. The short-term hungry endurance (4-5 hours) makes the digestive tract remaining filled with forage, and it involves injury of intestines during the opening and hit of contents in carcass. Long fodder starvation (12-15 hours) is followed by thinning of mucous membrane of guts and removal it together with excrements that caus-es violation of integrity of intestines. Using 5-6 hours of fodder starvation of loss of live weight are minimum and average from 0.2 up to 0.4 % of live weight in an hour. It is also established that trans-portation of turkey poults had negative impact on meat quality, in particular the quantity of injuries and bruises is more on the carcasses transported by car equipped for transportation of the poultry (13 heads) than on the carcasses of turkeys transport-ed in cages (6 heads).

preslaughter factors, gathering of the fowl, endurance, lighting, temperature, the con-tamination of carcasses, fodder starvation, injuries
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