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Abstract (English):
Beekeeping is one of the most important branches of agriculture on which development productivity of the main crops depends considera-bly. On the territory of our country there are areas poor in pollen palanisami plants, and some areas have the excess of pollen. The pollination of agri-cultural plants by bees increases their productivity up to 30-60 %. It is known that the profit on the increase in the resources of agriculture by means of bees in 10-12 times exceeds the profit of all products of beekeeping realization. It is possible to develop this branch effectively only in the presence of enough protein feed in a bee family. The tech-nology of extraction and redistribution of bee bread is the most important sphere of beekeeping mech-anization. The only irreplaceable sources of pro-teins, vitamins and lipids for honey bees are pollen and bee bread prepared from it by bees. Manual or partially mechanized technologies are most current-ly widespread, in connection with that the pollen extracted from honeycomb, is often exposed to the influence of chemical and physical impacts leading to the impairment of product quality, high energy intensity and complexity of technological process-es. The greatest difficulties in practical application of these technologies occur at the time of separa-tion of bee bread from extracted wax and bee-bread mass as the requirement provides that the contamination of received product should not ex-ceed 5 %. Basing on the foregoing statement, we can conclude that the development and introduc-tion in production of highly efficient energy-saving methods of extracting bee bread from honeycomb, and special mechanization is an urgent problem of beekeeping mechanization.

bee bread, wax and bee bread mix-ture, bee bread granules, aspiration channel
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