The choice of the way of signaling is an im-portant issue resolved in the automation of dis-persed agricultural processes. However, the use of existing ways is often complicated by the related capital investments, the requirement of high qualifi-cation service personnel, low electromagnetic com-patibility. Agricultural enterprises quite often settle down in the districts with an underdeveloped com-munication network. But it is possible to transmit signals of management on a power distributive network of change of phase or linear tension. It is offered to establish for this purpose operated elec-tric installations at the beginning of line feeding, the transformer with secondary winding included in crosscuts of a zero wire, and on primary winding to give phase or linear tension. The induced EMF in a secondary winding will change the tension of zero sequence, together with it the potential of a zero point of the network will be displaced, as a result phase tension will change. Linear tension thus will remain former, so such way of signaling of man-agement will not have impact on work of three-phase electric installations. From practical point of view it is important to know how network operating mode parameters when signaling will change. In the study the developed mathematical model using the method of phase coordinates and theories of multiterminal networks is described at possible op-tions of the transformer’s primary winding inclu-sions. The example of calculations of tension changes when signaling in the network consisting of the power transformer and the power line work-ing with earthed neutral and combined zero con-ductor is given.
signaling, remote control, manage-ment of electroconsumers, telemechanics in net-works of 0.38 kV, power wires, distributive net-works, the method of phase coordinates
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