At the rash of granules there are effects caused by discretization of the environment, its heteroge-neity, nonlinear nature of interaction of granules, their repacking, the emergence of zones of loosen-ing and consolidation. Earlier results of application of imitating modeling for research of behavior of the granulated environment in vibrating vessels were received. The Approach was rather effective and allowed to solve further a number of applied prob-lems of improvement of the design of universal sowing device based on vibration of the tray with seeds. The main criterion of the efficiency of the solution of formulated tasks is uniformity of seeding of seeds through bottom openings. The optimiza-tion of the process was conducted in two directions. Geometrical parameters of the design, i.e. the tray width, the height of filling with seeds, the arrange-ment of the sowing openings in day, etc. were op-timized. The optimization of mechanical parame-ters, i.e. amplitudes and frequencies of fluctuations of the tray was performed. The only thing remaining invariable was the tray making harmonic oscilla-tions. In the study the attempt to optimize the oper-ation of vibration sowing device depending on the cam surface form, i.e. from the mode of horizontal fluctuations of the tray was made. The model of the movement of the granulated environment as forces of interaction assumes elastic forces of contact in-teraction between neighboring particles, friction forces between the neighboring granules, walls and the bottom and the viscous forces entered by anal-ogy with liquid environments. These viscous forces are rather real and characterize the humidity of considered volume. Viscous forces need to be en-tered into the models for the correct numerical solu-tion of the task. As Cauchy's task arising in this case is rather rigid, i.e. own numbers of the opera-tor of transition are purely imaginary. In this case the even energetically coordinated Runge-Kutt's scheme of the second order used in the study pro-vides the numerical decision with artificial, compu-ting viscosity insufficiently. Therefore the introduc-tion of physical, Rayleigh viscosity stabilizes the numerical decision well. Reasonable compromise is reached only at multiple computing experiment.
granulated environment, spline in-terpolation, numerical modeling
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