Biscuit is a kind of flour confectionery which main components are eggs, sugar and flour. The production of biscuits is labor-intensive process, including due to sanitary processing of eggs, limited term of their validity. Now in the production of flour confectionery dry mixes are used. It is connected with convenience of their application, long terms of storage. One of such products is dry white of egg. The work purpose was receiving biscuit semi-finished products on the basis of dry white of egg used in hydrated kind and in the form of vegetable additives, i.e. pumpkin, carrot puree and cornmeal. The analysis of quality indicators of egg sponge received from hydrated white of egg with introduc-tion of vegetable additives and also finished prod-ucts showed the advantage of their production in comparison with traditional. Introduction of 15 % of carrot and 20 % of pumpkin puree white of eggs and sugar mix increased foam-forming ability of egg sponge for 6.0-8.0 % respectively, created resistant foamy system, had positive impact on structure for-mation and organoleptic indicators of a ready biscuit. Positive results were achieved by the replacement of 20 % of wheat flour by corn, thus quality indicators of dough corresponded to traditional sample. The dura-tion of preparing of the dough with vegetable purees was reduced by 33.5 %, with cornmeal it was for 20 % in comparison with traditional way that led to the reduction of duration of all technological pro-cesses. The development of new types of biscuits with high organoleptic rates allowed expanding and diversifying the range of this group of confectionery, reducing labor input of production.
biscuit semi-finished products, dry white of egg, vegetable additives, technological pro-cess
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