Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study describes the methodology and re-sults of the research capacity of bee bread, as pri-mary pollutant component of waxy feedstock in the dissolution and formation of coarse sediment in water. Adequate empirical dependence of the effect of time soaking in water, the temperature of water, relative humidity of bee bread and its particle size distribution of the degree of dissolution were estab-lished, the percentage of not solved residue was expressed. The optimization of the resulting model was made, the values of the factors in which it was expedient to wet cleaning comminuted waxy feed, including the use of vigorous mechanical stirring were defined. Under optimum values of all factors not dispersed sediment amount was not less than 1.5 % of original weight contaminants based on dry substance. The expediency of cleaning particulate waxy feed produced in the production of pollen mechanized using known techniques, starting at relative humidity polluting components to be dis-persed should be 11-14 %, and their particle size distribution should be represented by the fraction having an average particle size of 2-2.5 mm. The resulting mathematical model allows to determine the percentage of not solved particles of contami-nants remaining in the sediment at the desired val-ues of soaking time and the temperature of water and in the absence of external mechanical influ-ences for comparison with the result of the disper-sion of the material under similar conditions, soak-ing in water under vigorous stirring.

wax, wax raw materials, pollen, bee bread, dissolution, purification
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