The research objective was the identification of the role of variety in increasing oats efficiency in Krasnoyarsk Region. The research problems were to estimate the influence of soil and climatic zone and grade on the productivity of grain of oats, grain protein content and gross collecting protein; to es-tablish the dependence of protein content in grain and its gross collecting on productivity. The re-search methods were laying of experiments and observations according to the technique of the state variety trial in 2013-2015. The experiments were made in quadruple frequency; the registration area of allotments was 50 sq.m. The definition of protein in grain of oats was carried out in the labor-atories of the SGE "Gossortoset" Krasnoyarsk branch according to Kyeldal (State Standard 10846-91), gross collecting protein calculation method. Initial materials were the grades included in the state register of selection achievements and which were in the state variety trial: filmy Tubinsky, Argument, Sayan Mountains and Whitefish; hull-less: Loach and Progress. It was established that natural zones extremely significantly (p < 0.001) differ with in complex of indicators "productivity" and "protein content" both in each of the studied years, and on average for 2013-1015. Thus for the forest-steppe the increased productivity at the low-ered protein content is on average characteristic; for the steppe - the lowered productivity at the in-creased protein content; for subtaiga - low produc-tivity and low protein content. Between productivity and protein content in grain of grades of oats in forest-steppe and steppe zones there was a strong negative correlation of r =-0.739, between the productivity and gross collecting protein in all soil and climatic zones - strong positive correlation r = 0,711-0,970.
oats varieties, productivity, efficien-cy, protein content, protein gross collection
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