Energy saving problem in lighting installations is of great importance due to continuous occurring increase in scales of lighting installations and con-sumption of electric power in them. Misuse takes place when in certain illuminant consumers a lamp of one type is changed for the lamp of another type, in total with unstable tension it can be one of the reasons of irrational energy consumption. It is of-fered to give an assessment of overall performance of the system of lighting through regularities of change of light distribution of the illuminant depend-ing on the type of lamp and tension of the power supply. As such regularities in the study luminous intensity curves for the NSP 02-100-001UHL illumi-nant with the glow lamp, a LED lamp and a com-pact luminescent lamp at three levels of tension were received: 200, 220, 240 V. As a result it was established that at equal values of light stream in nominal operating mode average value of luminous intensity of the illuminant with conditional light source was the following: for glow lamps - 529 cd / klm, for a LED lamp - 534, for a compact lumines-cent lamp - 433 cd / klm. These dependences al-lowed constructing spatial isolux of conditional hori-zontal illumination in which the systems of illumina-tion of production warehouse were simulated. It was proved that the change of distribution of lumi-nous intensity was the reason of updating of illumi-nants arrangement (change of quantity of light points for glow lamps and LED lamps, and for com-pact luminescent lamps - also subweight heights was required) schemes. At rated illumination of 20 lx and tension deviation ΔU =±20В from Un the specific rated capacity of system of lighting chang-es ranged from 1.2 to 1.5 W/sq.m for LED lamps and from 5.1 to 10.3 W/sq.m in glow lamps. The system of lighting on compact luminescent lamps becomes inefficient.
illuminant, light intensity curve, spa-tial isolux, technique of lighting parameters meas-urement, light source, glow lamp, compact lumi-nescent lamp, LED lamp, energy efficiency
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