In Russian Federation Krasnoyarsk Region is one of leading forest regions. The area of the woods makes 20.3 % of general forest fund of the country, i.e. 164 million hectares with prevalence of trees of coniferous varieties (about 83 %). The main forest forming breeds are larch (43.7 million hectares), birch (15.3 million hectares), pine (13.5 million hectares), cedar (9.7 million hectares). An-nual fires, technogenic emissions, deforestation conduct to considerable reduction and release of big territories from forest cultures. In recent years in Krasnoyarsk Region there were problems connect-ed with the reduction of the woods. Annually in nursery forests of the region more than 20 tons of forest seed material is planted. Large volumes on restoration of woods demand large amount of forest seed material. Receiving qualitative forest seed material is possible when using hi-tech lines. Tech-nologies and processing equipment providing high-quality receiving forest seed material with the smallest material, power and labor inputs are re-quired for modern forestry. The review of the let-out technological lines of both domestic and foreign production is presented in the study: KSSh-01 and KSSh-02, DL 600 and DL1200, mobile drying SU-1 complex, small-sized dryer SM-45 for carrying out drying of cones and extraction of seeds of conifer-ous breeds of trees. Alternative perspective method of cones and seeds drying with the use of com-bined heat electromagnetic field of high frequency (EMF HF) and infrared radiation (IR) was offered. The offered technology will allow reducing the dura-tion of technological process and increasing its productivity considerably. In the study experimental technological line developed in Krasnoyarsk SAU, executed with application of the combined heating was considered.
reforestation, EMF HF, IR-radiation, coniferous forests, bumps dryer, microwave tech-nological line, drying, heating
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