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Abstract (English):
The research objective was the assessment of influence of component composition of essential oil of cremocarp of H. dissectum and P. silvestris both integral, and separate fractions on their antioxidant activity (AOA) within the model of research of pro-cess of adrenaline autooxidation. The research problems were to receive separate fractions and whole essential oil of cremocarp of each of plant; to define AOA of the received samples; to estimate the influence of component composition of essen-tial oil of cremocarp of H. dissectum and P. silvestris both integral, and separate fractions in the size of their AOA. The results of research of antiox-idant properties of various fractions of essential oil of cremocarp of cow-parsnip are presented in the study of dissected and woodland parsnip, the plants of the family Umbrella, growing in Siberian region. Essential oil from air and dry raw materials was received by the method of exhaustive hydrovapourdistillation. In the course of distillation the oil was fractioned depending on the time of its allocation therefore it was received on 5 fractions of essential oil of cremocarp of studied plants. The results of chromatography-mass and spectrometer analysis showed that the main components of essen-tial oil of cremocarp of dissected cow-parsnip were octylacetate (58.5 %), octilbutanoate (10.18 %), essential oil of cremocarp of woodland parsnip were octilbutanoate (31.93 %), octylacetate (26.52 %) and Z-azaron (13.13 %). The assessment of antioxidant properties of studied samples on the ability of es-sential oils to inhibit adrenaline autooxidation pre-venting the formation of active forms of oxygen was carried out. It was established that antioxidant ac-tivity of essential oils increased upon transition from the first fraction of oil to the last for two plants of one family. The authors, considering the influence of component structure of various fractions of es-sential oil on the size of their antioxidant activity, made an attempt to connect the difference in sizes of antioxidant activity with the quantity of the main components (octylacetate and octilbutanoate) which content in oil of fruits of H. dissectum and P. silvestris 5-10 times exceeds the content of other components.

eracleum dissectum, Pastinaca silvestris, essential oil, component composition, chromatography-mass-spectrometry, antioxidant properties
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