Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to estimate the change of activity indicators of hydrolytic enzymes after using fungicides in crops of Siberian pine seedlings. The results of activity indicators studying of hydrolytic enzymes estimating an orientation of biochemical processes in agrogenic changed soil of the forest nursery located on the territory of Kras-noyarsk Region are presented in the study. The researches of chemical Bayleton fungicide and bio-logical fungicides "Fitosporin" and "Trihodermin" recommended for using in protection of seedlings coniferous in nursery forests were conducted. The objects of research were the soil samples selected under Siberian pine seedlings in the nursery forest. The selection of soil samples was made during the period of vegetation of seedlings. The Control was agrogrey soil without processing with biological products. (pH of water - 5.88, humus - 7.6 1 %; general nitrogen - 0.45 %; phosphorus - 139 mg/kg of the soil; potassium - 101.6 mg/kg of the soil). The soil processing was made with Fitosporin fungicide in the concentration of 20 g / 10 l. Active ingredient was Bacillus subtilis 26 D, 100 of million C/g. The consumption rate of working liquid was 3 l / 10 sq.m. The Processing of the soil was per-formed with preparation "Trihodermin". The prepa-ration consumption rate was 2 g on 1 l of water. The expense made 1 l/sq.m. The caption spore was not less than 1 billion spores/g. The processing of the soil was made with working solution of chem-ical Bayleton fungicide. It belongs to the group of derivatives of Triazole. The norm of preparation introduction was 1.5 kg/hectare. The processing of fields preparations was carried out at the end of May once in the form of solutions, according to the dosage recommended by the producer. The selec-tion of soil samples was carried out within 3 months of active vegetation of seedlings (June, July and August). From each field not less than 20 individual samples on a diagonal were selected. All experi-ments were made in triple frequency. It was shown that all biological fungicides did not make negative impact on microbiological activity of the soil and did not break ecological integrity of microbocenosis whereas chemical fungicide «Bayleton» reduced the performance hydrolase activity on average 1.5 times.

soil, fungicides, enzymes, hydromanholes, activity, nursery
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