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Abstract (English):
The annulate seal (akiba) lives on all coast of the Arctic Ocean, in the territory of Yakutia. The Akiba is a typical pagophilic type, i.e. its life cycle is closely connected with an ice cover. And as in Yakutia the ice covers the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea for 8 months, the most part of life the akiba passes on the ice. The akiba eats fish, caus-ing an essential loss to local fishery. Now there is no industrial trade of the akiba, the local population gets the seal one by one, for the personal purpos-es. Though trade resources of this type allow plan-ning industrial production and its use as the source of valuable biological and food raw materials. The Seal population in the East Siberian Sea and the Laptev Sea has never been estimated. But, by an expert assessment of the specialists of Pacific Re-search Fisheries Center, the population of the akiba makes 90 thousand heads. For the person food fats play an important part in normal activity of an organism. Previous years researches show that the fatty acids with 5 and 6 double communications possessing high biological activity are not available in animal fats and vegetable oils. They are only in fats of sea hydrobionts. The data of the researches of fat of the akiba got on the Far North are provided in the study. The results of laboratory researches on fat acid composition of subcutaneous fat in dif-ferent parameters are given. According to the maintenance of different types of fatty acids the fat of the akiba is a unique raw material in biological relation.

akiba seal, fat, fatty acids, Yakutia
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