In the conditions of central part of Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe in 2014-2016 studying of agrobiolog-ical and technological qualities of the grades of win-ter rye of Yeniseika, Sinilga zoned in Eastern Sibe-ria, Mininskaya and a perspective grade Krasno-yarsk universal, is carried out by differing low maintenance of water-soluble arabinoxylan (less than 1 %). The investigations showed that the stud-ied grades against adverse meteoconditions were characterized by high winter hardiness and re-sistance to drowning. The perspective grade showed winter hardiness, equal with the standard (4.8 points) and resistance to drowning (4.7 points). For years of research the productivity of standard grade Yeniseika was within 3.46 - 4.42 t/hectare. The grade Krasnoyarsk universal did not concede to the zoned grades on the efficiency, and in 2014 considerably (for 18 %) surpassed the standard. Krasnoyarsk universal surpasses the standard in the mass of 1000 grains and is characterized by the stability of this indicator in various hydrothermal conditions. Studying of amilolitichesky activity showed that the grades of Krasnoyarsk selection in years, contrast on meteoconditions, form grain with amylogram indicators, optimum for baking of bread (350-645 e. am.). At the same time, hydrothermal conditions had essential impact on amylogram height. Excess moistening during filling grain and cleaning in 2014 led to the decrease in this indica-tor to the lower bound of optimum norm (350-365 e. am.). In 2015, favorable for the quality of grain, the height of amylogram fluctuated on grades within 385-455 e. am. The drought during filling grain in 2016 led to the increase in height of an amylogram in all grades. The grade Krasnoyarsk universal was characterized by the stablest amylogram height indicators by years (350-505 e. am). By the gen-eral baking assessment Krasnoyarsk universal is up to the standard, and in a volume exit of bread surpasses it.
winter rye, productivity, winter har-diness, resistance to lodging, baking qualities
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