Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of the state and prospect of updat-ing of park universal tilling tractors in agrarian and industrial complex of Krasnoyarsk Region is carried out. Essential expansion of the market of wheel tractors of the 96-105 kW Belarus 1221 series which in short term have to make a basis of mobile power means 2.0 traction classes has been estab-lished in recent years. For the increase of efficiency of adaptation of different modifications of tractors of this series to zone technologies of a tillage by the results of modeling and experiment rational traction and high-speed ranges of use and optimum values of the main indicator of technological effectiveness - specific weight on operations of the main pro-cessing of the soil of groups, different in power consumption, are proved. In the range of working speeds from 3.0 to 3.8 m/s on operations of the third group the highest indicators of the unit are provided with a specific mass of kg/kW, the corre-sponding basic complete set of a tractor on unary wheels. In the high-speed range of 2.0-3.0 m/s on more power-intensive operations of the first and second groups specific weight has to be increased to kg/kW and kg/kW respectively. Taking into ac-count the level and efficiency of realization of power of the tractor engine in the conditions of probabilis-tic character of traction loading the specified is reached by installation of removable ballast with a lump from 635 to 745 kg at its rational distribution on tractor axes. The installation of ballast freights weighing 510 kg recommended by the manufactur-er ahead of a skeleton reduces the efficiency of using a tractor at a working speed over 3.0 m/s due to increased fuel consumption on its movement.

adaptation, ballasting, range, spe-cific weight, efficiency
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