The efficiency of the method of scaring away of sinantropic birds with use of technical means de-veloped on the basis of electronic and ion technol-ogy in many respects depends on correctly picked up value of the frightening discharge impulse. It is also necessary to consider that the variety of differ-ent types of sinantropic birds that is an important sign at creation of the frightening discharge device is inherent in agricultural objects. For calculation of output parameters of the frightening discharge de-vice the software intended for management of in-stallation of scaring away of birds is created. On the basis of the entered data it is considered the nec-essary value of tension of the frightening discharge impulse corresponding to the threshold of sensitivi-ty of this or that species. Thus the software inde-pendently determines a species of a bird by indica-tions of sensors. On the basis of the counted data schedules of dependence of indications of weight from time and dependence of indications of sensors of resistance, tension and current in real time have to be under construction. The possibility of imple-mentation of monitoring in the category tension size, number of operations in day and month is provided in the program. Emergency operation which is put in the software, will allow avoiding short circuit and hitting under a high voltage of people, and also animals. For use of the device of protection of objects of agrarian and industrial complex against sinantropic birds in various execu-tions (materials of electrodes), the software allow-ing picking up correctly value of tension of the frightening-discharge impulse, corresponding to the threshold of sensitivity of certain species of sinantropic birds was created.
the frightening-off category, sin-antropic birds, electrophysical method, computer program
1. Patent na poleznuyu model' № 156087 / Surinskiy O.D., Ashihmin A.A. [i dr.]. - 2015.
2. Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoy regi-stracii programmy dlya EVM № 2017611640 / Ashihmin A.A., Surinskiy D.O. - 2017.