At the determination of heat physical properties of various products and materials thermostatic in-stallation which can maintain the temperature of the studied sample at necessary temperature level is often used. For the solution of this task the thermo-static car with regulation of temperature from plus 60 C up to the temperature minus 30 C was cre-ated (± 0.2 C). In the car it is made thermostating liquids by shutdown and turning on of the refrigera-tor and electric heater. The maintenance of a cer- tain temperature at low-temperature level can be made at the expense of thermal insulation of the installation that causes an independent thermostat-ing. It is very difficult to use a similar way for pilot studies with the set parameters on the temperature of sufficient accuracy. There are thermostatic cars in which the principle of absorption or allocation of warmth at the change of an aggregate state of ice or ice and salt solution is used. It is difficult to de-sign and carry out such way because of high opera-tional expenses. The thermostat with a liquid cool-ant and regulation of temperature in vitro is best of all suitable for the determination of heat and physi-cal properties. The installation can be used in re-search work, at various food enterprises, chemical, oil refining, coal industry, as well as in educational institutions during laboratory work.
thermostatic installation, refrigera-tor, freezing speed, equilibrium temperature, pro-cesses of cooling and freezing
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