The study is devoted to the analysis of influence of the type of packaging on the change of quality of the product in the course of storage. Dry cheese of the Dutch brand acted as the object of the re-search. Packing was carried out in 4 options: in packages from the combined material under natural conditions (№ 1) and in the conditions of vacuum (№ 2), in paper packing (№ 3) and shrinkable vac-uum packages from polyethylene (№ 4). Organo-leptic assessment of the product in the course of storage was investigated. It was established that when using the 2nd and 4-th options of packing organoleptic indicators of the product decreased more slowly (by 3 points in 16 months), than when using the 1-st and 3-rd options (by 5 points in 16 months). The change of moisture content in the product was defined. It was revealed that the smallest absorption of moisture was observed when packing by the 2-nd and 4-th options - in 16 months of storage cheese moisture content in-creased less than by 0.2 %. Microbiological indica-tors of dry cheese in the course of storage were defined. For 14 months of storage QMAFAnM in a dry product does not exceed 1 · 104 CFU/g. Throughout estimated expiration dates when pack-ing by the 1st option the contents of mold and yeast does not exceed 1 · 101 CFU/g; while packing in the 3-rd option - 14 CFU/ g; in the case of packing by the 2-nd and 4-th option this indicator does not exceed 1·101 CFU/g. As a result of conducted re-search the periods of the product validity were es-tablished. When packing by the 1st and 3rd option the shelf life of dry cheese made 12 months. When packing by the 2-nd and 4-th option the shelf life made 14 months.
dry cheese, packing, expiration dates
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