Russian Federation
Effective way of increasing nutritional value of feed is rational replacement in extrusive technolo-gies of grain of cereals by multicomponent mixes with use of local raw material resources, including nonconventional ones. Potatoes and also the waste of potato production possess valuable nutritious and fodder properties and are effectively applied in feeding of animals. The researches on receiving extrudate from grain of wheat and potatoes were conducted. For preparation of raw materials for ex-truding the developed equipment for cleaning, crushing of potatoes and its mixing with wheat grain was used. The content of essential nutrients and energy value based extrudates chopped wheat supplemented with crushed potato or potato pulp varies considerably compared with the feed and extruded wheat. Chopped wheat and extrudated mixes protein content containing potatoes slightly decreased. The content of cellulose in extrudate with addition of potatoes decreased to 69.2 %. In the course of extruding the humidity of the received production promoting the increase in the periods of storage and rational use of forages considerably decreased. The use of potatoes as a component of extrudate allows receiving quality production with lower prime cost, including due to the reduction of fodder grain consumption. Extrudated forages with addition of potatoes surpass in the maintenance of exchange energy extrudated wheat on 1.32 MJ/kg of dry material. The exchange energy of all studied samples from wheat mix with potatoes after extru-sion increased on average for 26.7 % in compari-son with initial raw materials. The best values of power value of extrudate were received at addition in mix of 5 % of potato pulp.
wheat, potatoes, mix, feed, extru-sion, technology, nutritional value, energy value
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