Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective consisted in studying of age structure of Erythronium sibiricum in artificially created cenopopulation for efficiency and the fore-cast of its successful introduction to culture. The object of the research was Erythronium sibiricum (Fisch. et C.A. Mey.) Krylov Siberian Сandy. The examination was conducted in April - June, 2016 in vicinities of Central Siberian botanical garden in the district about the floodplain of the river of Zyryank throughout 150-200 m on the right side on the cur-rent, to its confluence with the artificial lake with the southern slope adjoining to it with the dismembered microrelief where more than 50 years ago early-spring efemeroida from natural habitats of Kuznetsk Alatau were created. We investigated the age structure of E. sibiricum. The features of ontogenet-ic range of cenopopulation of rare endemic species of Erythronium sibiricum are given in the artificial phytocenosis created in the vicinity of Central Sibe-rian botanical garden about 50 years ago. The on- togenetic range is based on the idea of types of range of L.B. Zaugolnova. Ecological density is de-termined proceeding from the number of individuals on the unit of manned space according to Yu. Odum. It was established that an ontogenetic range of Erythronium sibiricum was left-side, with the prevalence of individuals of the virginal period. Their number was 20-30 times higher than the number of generative individuals. Cenopopulation on its type is young. Self-maintenance is resumed in the seed way. In an ontogenetic range at most it is necessary on individual of a juvenile state. In general it is noted that on an individual of the pregenerative period 85.5 % are necessary, 36.5 % make juvenile plants of them. Individuals of the generative period there were 14.5 %. The conclu-sion is that the success of the introduction of the experiment and the possibility of preservation of the species through the creation of micro-climatic con-ditions when introducing it into the culture.

Erythronium sibiricum, age struc-ture, forest-steppe zone, Western Siberia
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