The research objective was to estimate the con-tents and dynamics of nitrogen of carbon of microbic biomass when using dump, minimum and zero ways of processing of the chernozyom lixivious in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. Pilot studies were conducted in Krasnoyarsk natural district on land squares of APC "Shilinskoye" of Sukhobuzimsky area (56037' n.l. and 93012' e.l.). The influence of soil-protective technologies on dynamics of the content of carbon and nitrogen of microbic biomass of the soil was studied in 2013-2014 on the basis of long experiment put in 2006 under the leadership of I.A. Kuprin and Dr of Agr. Sci. L.R. Mukina. Within production crops baseline sites of 500 sq.m were allocated. Soil samples were selected from layers of 0-5 and 5-20 cm by a snake method. The volume of selection made 15 individual tests. The scheme of experiments (ways of processing)was submitted by the following op-tions: 1) dump (st); 2) minimum; 3) zero. The con-tent of nitrogen of microbic biomass (Nmb) deter-mined by method of regidratation, carbon (Smb), method a substratum - the induced breath. The content of nitrogen of microbic biomass at refusal of mechanical loosening was characterized by the smallest values and was caused by high speed of turnover of an element in the soil. The nature of intra seasonal dynamics in options of experience was estimated as statistically reliable. The level of spatial variation of Nmb was very high. The "ways of processing" (16-35 %) had the greatest impact on the parameters of nitrogen of microbic biomass. However, the extent of influence "was higher than the factors not considered in the experiment" and made from 44 to 57 %. The dynamics of the con-tent of carbon of microbic biomass was authentical-ly expressed when using dump plowing. The level of spatial variation of Smb was characterized by average and high values. The content of carbon of microbic biomass was defined by the way of pro-cessing of the soil (7-25 %), however the orienta-tion of this influence was connected with change of other factors (7-55 %).
nitrogen and carbon of microbial bi-omass, labile organic matter, soil protection tech-nology, immobilization of nitrogen
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