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Abstract (English):
In the study ecological condition of the Yenisei River of Krasnoyarsk Region is considered. For various types of water consumption parameters of requirements for structure and the content of sub-stances in water are determined. The activity of the man is the main and large pollutant of water in the river. Anthropogenous impact on the river is caused by polluting sources such as sewage, biological and chemical pollutants entering the river. The load of the river in borders of the city of Krasnoyarsk is caused by the existence of large industrial facilities. In the study the analysis of the content of polluting substances in the river is provided, such as oxygen, nitrates, iron, copper, zinc, sulfur, manganese, BOD5, ammonium nitrogen, chlorides, nickel, cad-mium, aluminum, oil products. For the analysis of waters the samples from an alignment in 2 km from the city above the watercourse were taken. The review is submitted and the assessment on ionic composition of water, rigidity, on pH level, water mineralization, cations is given. Water analysis de- fined the 3rd class of river water impurity. The data on the content of substances in water, their quanti-ty, concentration, impact on a human body are submitted. It revealed almost in all pollutants the excess of maximum permissible concentration of substances. As a result it is possible to draw the conclusion that for the decrease in load of the river Yenisei and high-quality improvement of an ecolog-ical situation it is necessary to increase control of quality of water and of various emissions in the river.

the Yenisei River, polluting sub-stances, heavy metals, maximum permissible con-centration
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