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Abstract (English):
Trees transplanting is technically difficult pro-cess and very painful for the plant: in a tree the part of root system is removed. Therefore it is difficult for it to restore normal functioning of water ex-change processes, and the tree becomes more vulnerable to negative influence of environment. Optimum time for change is early spring and late fall at negative temperature. For large-size trees the most successful time of change is winter. In winter vital processes are slowed down, the tree is at rest in this connection it is the subject to the min-imum stress. As known hinged equipment is limited to technical capabilities of the coma extraction from frozen soil, there is a need for creation of hinged equipment allowing making change of trees in early spring, late fall and winter time. Preliminary re-searches of the theory of destruction of a ring face by means of consecutive milling showed high effi-ciency of cutting of the coma of soil in frozen soil, at the same time a number of scientific tasks con-nected with stability and efficiency of cutting was solved. The purpose of the work is realization of scientific reserve in the field of cutting of frozen soil in machine design for cutting of the coma of frozen soil together with root part of a tree. The main ob-jectives were creation of efficient designs providing effective cutting of a ring face, removal (cutting) of the coma and the socket of the cylindrical case for release of the coma from the case of a ring mill. The technology of ring milling allowing making change in winter time is the cornerstone of the prin-ciple of action of developed hinged equipment. The equipment will considerably expand the range of time of change of trees and will increase survival percent. Also the equipment is multipurpose as dur-ing summer period it is capable to delete stubs and root systems of the remained trees effectively.

frozen soil, transplantation of trees, circular working organ
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