Russian Federation
The researches were conducted in 2015-2016 in the northern forest-steppe of Tyumen Region on experimental field of Northern Trans-Urals SAU. Soil cover of experimental field was lixivious chernozyom, loam for grading on particle size dis-tribution. The predecessors in the experiment were annual grasses. Malting barley varieties (Jean, Be-atrice, Baltika, Pages, Omsk 85) were sown on two backgrounds of mineral nutrition: moderate where fertilizer was calculated for the grain yield of 3 t/hectare and higher (NPK - based on yield of 4 t/hectare). For standard homologated cultivar Acha (brewing and valuable quality) was taken. Studied varieties in both years of the studies formed sufficiently high yield (over 4 t/hectare) as moderate and high background of mineral fertiliz-ers. Two grades which surpassed the standard on productivity were allocated: Beatrice and Omsky 85. The crop variety of Beatrice in average during the years of research has reached at moderate background 5.54 t/hectare, at elevated - 5.87 t/hectare, the variety Omskaya 85 - and 5.59 and 5.86 t/hectare, on the backgrounds respective-ly. The highest weight of 1000 grains was formed by the varieties of Jean (to 49.3-54.0 g) and Be-atrice (49.4-54.3 g). Grain nature at grades of bar-ley conformed to requirements of state standard specification of foodgrain (not less than 630 g/l). High nature of the variety was noted in Beatrice (668-674 g/l) and Baltic (664-666 g/l). All varieties differed in high uniformity of grain: 89-96 %. On protein content the grain of studied varieties of bar-ley conformed to the requirements on brewing (not more than 12 %).
barley varieties, productivity, nature, uniformity, protein content, Northern Trans-Urals
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