The research objective was to check the operabil-ity of airslide with new constructive elements in the mode of active aeration and pneumounloading. The research problems were to study the uniformity of air distribution in damp grain weight; to study the nature of pneumounloading of grain weight; to give theoreti-cal dependences on heatmass exchange in damp grain weight. As material for the research new de-signs of airslide and grain materials (wheat, oats, barley having humidity respectively 12-18.4 served; 21 and 18 %). The design of three-channel airslide with new constructive elements in the form of the control unit of the swing mechanism with springs and electromagnets were offered. As a result of using the mechanism of swing with springs and electromagnets more rational airdistribution in grain weight was pro-vided, especially this effect was notable at the un-loading of grain which was earlier followed by con-siderable expense of electric power. Great expense of electric power was caused by unproductive con-sumption of air at pneumatic unloading when air empty directed through punched openings already exempted from grain layer. Conducted pilot studies showed that with airslide working with specific air supply of 600-1200 m3 / (t•ch), the maximum height of the embankment of hsl = 250 mm, width of the transporting channel v1 = 200 mm, relative humidity of air of 75 % of average productivity increases by 15 %, therefore, the reduction of electric power would make approximately the same quantity. Humidity re-duction made 3.8 % that was 1.5 % more, than on existing airslides. Also in the study theoretical de-pendences on warmth and mass exchange were giv-en in the grain weight which did not contradict two basic laws of heat mass exchange and were based on the law of energy conservation and the law of conservation of mass substance.
airslide, warmth and mass exchange, drying, active aeration, grain mass
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