The biotechnology of receiving sugars (molas-ses) from extruded grain mix with the use of amylolytic microorganisms was developed. As grain raw material grain mix (wheat + oats) was used. Enzymatic hydrolysis of starch was carried out by mix of strains of microorganism of Bacillus subtilis: № 2 - amylolytic, № 9 - amylolytic and № 12 - amylolytic. It was established that nutrient medium of full cycle of development of the studied microor-ganisms came to the end in 24 hours. In the begin-ning spores ripened, increased in sizes, got an ovoid form, in 12 hours swelled and liquefied starch paste, after 14 hours on the sticks granulose was formed, in 18 hours a spore at the end of the wand disappeared, and macronucleus with granulated divergent to opposite ends of the sticks, after 20 hours, the new sticks received a spore, after 24 hours, the wand disappeared. The hydrolysate ob-tained by fermentation polysugars grain raw mate-rials with use of amylolytic microorganisms, had a dense consistence, brown color and sweet taste. 1 liter of the hydrolysate after evaporation weighed 1 kg 250 grams. The amount of total sugar in the hydrolysate reached 24.22 %, calculated on dry matter - 68.28 %; protein - 2.28 %, calculated on dry matter - 6.41 %. The drug had high energy content; one kilogram of the drug contained more than one feeding unit. Established ability of amylolytic strains of microorganisms Bacillus subtilis to sugar grain mixes can be used in farming with the aim of eliminating the shortage of carbohy-drates in the body of farm animals. Experimental samples of molasses are non-toxic and have a high energy value. The technology is recommended for obtaining molasses in industrial scale.
animal husbandry, biotechnology, amylolytic microorganisms, sugars, grain
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