The apple-tree is a special nutritional and medi-cal fruit plant therefore persistent work on the preservation and improvement of its range, espe-cially in sharply continental conditions of Siberia is necessary. Palatability and nutritional value of ap-ple fruit depend on the amount of content of sug- ars, organic acids, polyphenols and other sub-stances. A large part of presented acids are malic, citric, ursulic, folic, chlorogenic and amber. The paper presents the data on the variability of the content of extractives in fruit of different terms of ripening grown in the Botanical garden named after Vs.M. Krutovsky. The results of sugar and acid co-efficient are reflected in fruits of summer and winter varieties. The data obtained are used in cultivation of vegetative posterity to receive the varieties with balanced content of biologically active substances. The analysis of varieties ranking according to the ratio of sugar and acidity is provided. The varieties differing in the maximum number of points on sugar acid balance are established. The results of studies on the content of extractives in the fruits of summer and winter varieties are presented. The variability with the maximum indicators towards the varieties of winter maturing is found to be manifested. The varieties and sorts with high and low contents of extractives are allocated. The content of vitamin C and acids in some varieties in the garden named after Vs.M. Krutovsky was higher than those of the same varieties growing in the European part of the country. These researches can be used at cultiva-tion of vegetative posterity for the purpose of re-ceiving varieties with high content of biologically active substances, which is especially valuable in the conditions of Siberian region.
apple-tree, variety, variability, ex-tractives, acidity
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