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Abstract (English):
The technique of definition of ecological damage from wildfires (forest, steppe and soil (peat) is of-fered. The method of definition of the choice of means of mechanization is developed for fight against forest fires on the basis of minimization of costs of firefighting, economic and ecological dam-age. It is based on the removed initial analytical formulas allowing in parameters of the fire and ex- penses of time, forces and funds for firefighting to count economic costs of suppression, and also to define ecological damage expressed in the mass amount of emissions of carbon dioxide and absorp-tion of oxygen at forest fires. Available and clear mathematical apparatus offered by the author is used. Simple formulas for the solution of the prob-lem of determination of the area of forest fire, its perimeter, arrival time of forest firefighters and the localization of the center of burning, and also burned-out area are received. The technique of calculations of costs of fire extinguishing ecological damage is developed. The analysis of the sizes of burned-out forest areas in the array of information received when performing calculations will help to choose optimum technologies of suppression ac-cording to the set criteria. The example of compara- tive calculation of concrete forest firefighting for two various technologies on the basis of existing means of mechanization is given in concrete district in the set road and forest vegetation conditions. The use of offered technique of definition of ecological dam-age from wildfires in various conditions and re- moteness will allow services of forest protection to organize the performance of work with rational number of forces and means, and also with mini-mum expenses and damage.

wildfires, firefighting, technology, areas, perimeters, emissions, carbon dioxide, oxy-gen, analysis
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