Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to study soft spring wheat va-rieties of different groups of ripeness of Siberian selection according to the indicators of physical properties of grain, to allocate the steadiest ones to the conditions of risky agricul-ture of Northern Trans-Urals. The varieties of soft spring wheat of 2011-2013 yield were studied at the Laboratory of Quality of Production of Plant Growing of FSFEI HE “Agrobiotechnological center "State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals" for indicators of physical properties of grain. Comparative studying of varieties of Siberian selection of different groups of ripeness was carried out oaccording to the indicators: the weight of 1000 grains, nature and grain vitreousness. Early ripe and mid ripe group included 9 varie-ties (the variety Novosibirsk 31), in mid-season group - 26 varieties (the standard - the variety Tyumen 29) and in mid-late group - 7 varieties (the standard - the variety Melodiya). The results of the researches showed that on average for 2011-2013 the values of mass of 1000 grains indicator in mid-late and mid-season varieties were higher, than at early ripe and mid-season. The values on nature indicator for all studied years varied. In 2011 great values of nature charac-terized mid-late group of ripeness, in 2012 - mid-season group, and in 2013 the greatest values were noted in the varieties of early ripe and mid-early group of ripeness. Aviad's variety in mid-season group and Riks in mid-late group of varieties which met the requirements of State Standard for the first class for the indicator of nature of grain were allocated. By the results of the researches of vitreousness of grain the greatest values characterized the varieties of mid-late Siberi-an group 17, Svirel, Raduga; mid-season group Icarus, Ilyinskaya, Leontyev's Memories were allocated; in early ripe and mid-early - Tyumen 30 and Chelyaba stepnaya.

wheat, variety, physical properties of grain, groups of ripeness, the weight of 1000 grains, vitreousness, nature
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