Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was the assessment of agroecological role of protective forest belts on the productivi-ty of spring wheat Novosibirsk 15 on the example of JSC “Agrofermer” in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. The researches were conducted on the fields of JSC “Agrofermer”. The object of the research was the wheat sowed by spring wheat Novo-sibirsk 15 and windbreak forest fields. Field experiment was put in 2015-2016 according to the technique of B.A. Dospekhov. The accounting of productivity was defined on the platforms of 1 sq.m on the removal respectively 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 H (the control). The sheaves were selected in triple frequency and then threshed. The received grain was weighed and the recalculation of productivity on 1 hectare was carried out. The control was the platform on "edge" of protective forest belts field. The grain yield received when weighing made 14 % in humidity and 100 % in purity. Except productivity of spring wheat the structure of the crop was investigated. Stalk length, the quantity of cones in an ear, the amount of grains in an ear were defined by visual method. The mass of 1000 grains was defined on technical and chem-ical scales. Windbreak forest fields of blown design have essential impact on morphometric indicators of spring wheat Novosibirsk 15. They increase the number of grains in the cone by 12 %, and the number of cones in an ear - for 2 %. In the process of approach of growth of grain crops to wind-break forest field length of the stalk of spring wheat as one of the indicators of crop structure, increases by 10 %. The influ-ence on sowing qualities of spring wheat was noted. The indicator of 1000 grains mass also increased by 0.7 %. The crop increase on the removal 5-40 H (control) from windbreak forest field upon made 9.9 c/hectare.

field-protected forest belt, blown construction, landscape, Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe, agroecological role, spring wheat, yield
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