Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to carry out comparative analysis of quality of food national food product, i.e. the dal-gan made on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia and the Republic of Tuva. The research problems were to define organoleptic indicators, vitamin and mineral structure of the dalgan received from different producers; to carry out com-parative analysis of quality indicators of the product. The ob-jects of the research were the samples of finished products made both at home and in industrial way. The sampling of raw materials was made in accordance with State Standards 27668-88. The definition of water-soluble vitamins (thiamin, pyridoxine and ascorbic acid) was carried out according to biochemical research methods. The maintenance of mineral elements was defined by X-ray fluorescent analysis on the spectrometer "Spectroscan Max". In the study the process of preparation of dalgan is considered in traditional way, the results of research of organoleptic indicators and the content of biologically active agents are given in four samples of dal-gan. Comparative assessment of the quality of foodstuff showed that studied samples on organoleptic indicators (ap-pearance, smell and taste) differed from each other slightly. Dalgan made on ancient national technology differs in the fine-ness of grinding that improves its tastes. The analysis of micro-nutrient structure of the food on the basis of grain crops showed that Dolgans was full-fledged source of vitamin and mineral complex. The content of ascorbic acid (1.85±0.09 mg%), thia-min (0.83±0.05 %) and a pyridoxine (0.46±0.03 mg%) in dol-gans, made by different producers, was almost equal. It is shown that the sample made on traditional technology was richer in such mineral elements as calcium (4 %), iron (0.3 %), manganese (0.07 %), zinc (0.03 %), molybdenum (0.004 %) in comparison with other samples. These researches will be useful when developing the technology of functional food taking into account national features of the population of Altai-Sayansk Region.

plant resources, national food, product quali-ty, biochemical composition, water-soluble vitamins, mineral elements
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