Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The researches were conducted for the purpose of identification of varieties of spring wheat the most suita-ble for preparation and the analysis of quality of the grain-haylage received with its use. Experimental part of the study was carried out on experimental fields of Krasnoyarsk Research Institute for Agriculture in 2013-2015. The precursor was fallow, seeding rate was 5 million viable seeds per hectare, the soil was leached black soil. The discount area for harvest of grain was 29 m2, for account for corn yield - 1 m2 in four replications. Green material considered in the phase, the optimum for preparation of grain-haylage, the end of the dairy and the beginning of wax ripeness. 8 varieties of spring wheat were studied. On the crop of green material varie-ties Krasnoyarskaya 12, Kuraginskaya 2, Svirel were allocated. They surpassed on 10-15 c/hectare barley variety Sobolek and on 10-20 c/hectare conceded to a new variety of barley Krasnoyarsk 91. These varieties were also the best ones in grain efficiency. The crop of green material was substantially influenced by the height of the plant (r=0.78), the duration of vegetation period (r=0.61), the thickness of stand (r=0.56). Using varieties with various duration of vegetation period al-lows prolonging the period of preparation of grain-haylage without losing its quality. Grain-haylage, irre-spective of its structure, surpasses corn silo in the indi-cators of quality and nutritional value. Inclusion in the composition of multicomponent cereal and bean mix (peas + oats + barley) wheat, allows considerable im-proving the quality of grain-haylage. Relative mainte-nance of crude protein increased by 36 %, sugar - on 35, carotene - on 43, fodder units - for 25 %. Power value of the forage increased by 22 %. Grain-haylage from wheat peas + oats + barley + wheat in pure form surpasses multicomponent mix in the quality.

wheat, grain-haylage, fodder, green ma-terial
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