As an estimated indicator of maintenance process (MP), specific cost of the operation of i-facility (MP means) - rubles for the operation is taken. Wherein, the operation is understood as a well-known in science and practice definition: a complete part of the maintenance service, representing the set of techniques performed on one working place by a person or a group of per-formers determined for the operation performed by technical facilities. In this case, specific cost of the op-eration of the facility is a unit cost of ensuring the relia-bility of the object throughout life cycle and is an indica-tor of the quality of manufacturing, operation, repair and storage of the object. At the first stage, the indicator of the assessment of the improvement and the choice of technical maintenance was determined, and the unit of its measurement was found. Mathematical description of service process was presented in the form of algebraic sum of its elements (unit cost of the acquisition of the funds, use it for its intended purpose, storage, mainte-nance and repair, verification, recycling and overalls; specific costs due to the violation of environmental pro-tection requirements for maintenance of machines in the field, when the fuel and lubricants enter the soil). Ser-vice process was presented in the form of algebraic sum of its elements, and in two options: for recoverable and non-recoverable objects. For each selected element, functional connection of input indicators (one or several) with the same output evaluation index was found. Each function was expressed in the form of required mathe-matical description of MP process. The results of the research can be used as the basis for the improvement of lubricating and refueling facilities for machines maintenance.
lubricant and filling operations, technical means, maintenance process
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