The study purpose was the justification of traction and high-speed ranges and parameters of power satu-rated wheel tractors of improved classical configuration for zone technologies of tillage. The research problem was the justification of rational operational parameters of traction dynamic characteristics wheel 4k4a tractor of the 5-th class of draft on the basis of the variation of ballasting and application of dual and unary wheels for the realization of different groups of technological opera-tions of tillage. The decision of research problems was passed taking into account technical characteristics of JohnDeere 8310R tractor and conditions of complete set by removable ballast freights. By the results of re-searches rational traction and high-speed ranges and parameters of wheel tractor 4K4a JohnDeere 8310R with the maximum operational power of 226 kW by bal-lasting variation on unary and dual wheels were estab-lished. At justification of mass power parameters univer-sal technique of forecasting of indicators of the traction characteristic of the tractor as a part of the units carrying out various technological operations of tillage was used. The results of modeling showed the expediency and efficiency of application of ballast freights at regulation of operational weight for providing the highest traction and power indicators of the tractor in rational interval of working speeds at the realization of resource-saving technologies of tillage. The equipment of tractor with dual wheels allows increasing traction efficiency by 6.7 % within rational traction range limited to the mini-mum and maximum slipping. The most universal is the tractor with a specific weight = 66.09 kg/kW (=14936 kg) at complete set dual (2K) wheels. The tractor having such weight power parameters has essential ad-vantages in comparison with other complete sets when performing operations of tillage of all three main groups.
tractor, specific parameters, working speed, ballasting, operations of cultivation
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