One of primary objectives of the state health care policy is to provide the citizens with all the necessary nutrients, in particular proteins balanced in amino acid composition. It is known that today nearly 60 % of the population of the planet suffers from the shortage of full-fledged proteins in the diet. It is very serious problem demanding immediate decision. In this regard the de-velopment of new food enriched with necessary compo-nents has been actively conducted. For this purpose even more often nonconventional raw materials for allo-cation of proteinaceous fractions, carbohydrates, vita-mins which are added further to composition of food-stuff. Proteinaceous and vitamin complex allocated from cedar nut oil cake by the method of alkaline and preced-ing it fermentative hydrolysis is characterized by high protein content (94.8 %), vitamins of group B and vita-min E, and also macro- and microcells and has high nutrition and biological value. Cottage cheese products are one of the main components of food, especially for athletes. The enrichment of such products with proteinaceous and vitamin complex will promote the correction of metabolic violations, the increase of im-munity of athletes after long and intensive loadings. In the study schematic diagram of receiving a new cottage cheese product with addition of proteinaceous and vita-min complex allocated from cedar nut oil cake, is sub-mitted. The results of the research of ready-made prod-uct show that the introduction to the structure of cottage cheese product of received complex positively affects its organoleptic indicators and thus improves its biological value.
cedar nut oil cake, proteinaceous and vitamin complex, cottage cheese product
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