Seed coulters for seeding established on a seeder, are to have such design and the sizes at which the best distribution of seeds on the area of a field is reached. Uniform distribution of seeds on the area of food plays the main role in the creation of conditions for growth of plants. The research objective was the determination of regularity of distribution of seed material on the area of a field pawter with a spreader of seeds. The research problems were to receive numerical characteristics of uniform Poisson distribution of seeds on the area of a field; to determine regularities of uniform distribution of seeds by profile. At the research of uniformity of distri-bution of seeds on the area of a field the technique of mathematical analysis was applied. It was revealed that for receiving uniform distribution of seeds on the area of a field in under-void area under exhaust outlet of semi-nal duct it is necessary to place the spreader of seeds. The process of distribution of seeds to the planes is considered. The calculations which allow claiming that distribution can be considered ideal if its characteristics correspond to Poisson distribution are given. Received numerical characteristics of uniform Poisson distribution allow comparing them to calculated empirical distribu-tions for various options of the form of distributing sur-face. For that the average minimum distance between seeds will be the greatest and the best distribution. In our case instead of considered points it is possible to accept seeds of crops. Besides distribution of seeds on squares of population area, the minimum distance to the next neighbor the important characteristic of distribution of seeds on the area is uniformity of distribution of seeds on the profile. It is obvious that as the best distri-bution it is necessary to consider for what distribution on a profile will be closer to the uniform. The design pa-rameters of the opener distributor U = 76 mm, height H = 13 mm, length l = 40 mm, and the number of holes C = 5 are substantiated.
coulter, spreader, seeds, uniform distri-bution
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