Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the researches was to decrease the concentration of dust in poultry-farming rooms in the way of sedimentation of dust by means of electric pre-cipitators. The research problems were 1) to carry out the analysis of methods of purification of air of produc-tion dust in poultry-farming rooms; 2) on the basis of the analysis of existing methods and technical means to offer the most effective way of purification of air of pro-duction dust in poultry-farming rooms. The analysis of existing methods and technical means of cleaning of air environment of production rooms in poultry farming re-vealed shortcomings of work of these systems was car-ried-out. The requirements imposed to modern means of dust removal in agricultural rooms are met not enough. The most effective devices of decreasing in the level of dust content are electric precipitators based on action of crown category. Now the way of electric purifi-cation of gases of various particles is one of perspective and allows besieging with rather high efficiency and low energy consumption impurity in air of production rooms. However, electric precipitators patented now have lim-ited scope. It is connected with that electric precipitators provide high efficiency of dust removal at considerable overall dimensions of these devices. In rooms where it is necessary to have considerable volume of air move-ment by means of ventilation, the use of electric precipi-tators with flat electrodes is very difficult in view of con-siderable overall dimensions. Technical solution of specified problem is using cylindrical multisection elec-tric precipitators at which crown and sedimentary elec-trodes have the form of the cylinder and are located thus radially, serially following one by one. As showed by practical results, this design clears considerable vol-umes of air with higher quality, thus it is not required to reconstruction of processing equipment, expansion of floor spaces and release of additional space.

dust removal, working area, electric pre-cipitator, crown discharge
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