Preliminary purification of grain in grain separators is one of the most important technological operations of its postharvest processing in the system of preparation of grain for storage. Separate impurity in consignments of grain have higher humidity (1.5 times more), than grain. Besides, they are often struck by microorganisms. It leads to faster warming of polluted consignments of grain and, as a result, to the growth of its losses. Be-sides, the impurity leads to the formation of condensed layers in the stack of grain which at insufficient ventila-tion quickly spoils. The research objective was the im-provement of technology of separation of grain by grain-cleaning cars by using vibration in mechanical systems. The research was carried out by the methods of the organization of patent researches on Russian and inter-national information bases, to patented constructive solutions of vibration purification of grain, the result of the research was the development of a new design of vibrocentrifugal car with high efficiency and high-quality purification of grain. Vibrocentrifugal car allows working at switched-off drive of roundabouts that is expedient at separation of easily separable grain mixes. Using de-clared car provides the improvement of the quality of the process of separation due to the improvement of stratifi-cation of a loose layer and increase of sifting of running particles through the surface of punched drum and coni-cal sieve. The offered vibrocentrifugal car will help to solve the problem of steady and effective division of various grain materials. Laboratory researches of the prototype of vibrocentrifugal car on primary mode of purification of grain of barley showed that the purity, i.e. the maintenance of seeds of the main culture at initial material equal to 86.7 % was possible to finish: to com-modity (fraction 2) to 99.23 %, commodity (fraction 3) to 98.41 %, fodder (fraction 4) s to 94.65 %. The vibrocen-trifugal car makes cleaning of lots of grain with quality meeting the requirements of state standard specifica-tions. Its technical novelty is protected by the patent of the Russian Federation No. 166452.
separation, vibrocentrifugal car, sifter, grain weight
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