The study presents the results of researching hepa-toprotective and antioxidant action of bread with the addition of a new ingredient - water-ethanolic extract of brown algae Fucus evanescens, on the model of toxic hepatitis in experimental animals. The object of the study was the bread from wheat flour with the addition of water-ethanolic extract of brown algae Fucus eva-nescens. In the study experimental model of toxic hepa-titis in animals (rats), by intoxication with one of strong stimulators of lipid peroxidation (LP) - carbon tetrachlo-ride was used. The evaluation of integral antiradical activity (IAA) of antioxidants was carried out by their ability to suppress the oxidation of ABTS by peroxyl and alkoxyl radicals. The index of IAA was determined in hepatocytes of the liver, using the spectrophotometer in which the change in extinction was recorded. In the rats receiving bread with seaweed extract, there was a ten-dency to reduce relative weight of the liver, which testi-fies to its protective role in the composition of the prod-uct. The inhibition of lipid peroxidation processes in LP is provided by water-ethanolic extract and bread with its addition by biologically active compounds, including polyphenols, which have a direct effect on the capture of radicals and thereby interrupt free radical reactions. In addition, other biologically active compounds being a part of experimental product and, in particular, micro-elements, chlorophyll, iodine, fucoidan, etc., have indi-rect antioxidant effect, expressed in the ability to protect the body from oxidative degradation. Thus, prophylactic hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of the bread added to the diet of experimental animals due to biolog-ically active compounds included in the extract of algae, including polyphenols, is shown.
bread, brown algae extract, experi-mental toxic hepatitis, hepatoprotective effect, antiradi-cal activity
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