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Abstract (English):
In agrarian and industrial complex of Krasnoyarsk Region because of the reduction of livestock of farm animals the pro- duction and use of manure has been several times reduced. In agrocenoses the decrease in potential and effective fertility of soils is observed. For the preservation of soils fertility and the increase of agricultural crops efficiency it is necessary to increase using all biological sources of plants mineral nutrition in agriculture as fertilizers. Rational use of manure, birds’ dung, crushed straw of grain and leguminous crops, siderates, vegetable remains and agronomical ores will raise the content of nutrients in soils and compensates their ex- tremely scarce balance in agriculture. The increase in the areas under leguminous crops, perennial legumes and using bacterial fertilizers will give the chance to increase the intake of biological nitrogen in agriculture of the region. Biologization of agriculture will allow bringing in addition into arable soils of Krasnoyarsk Region 14.44 million tons of covering manure which is approximately equivalent to 196018.3 tons of nitro- gen, phosphorus and potassium. The bird's dung as fertilizer is characterized by high efficiency at introduction under vari- ous crops. On poultry farms of Krasnoyarsk Region 1.05 mil- lion tons of dung in the terms of cattle covering manure is collected annually. The area of grain and leguminous crops in Krasnoyarsk Region exceeds 1 million hectares. The calcula- tions show that about 2.4 million tons of straw can be used as organic fertilizers. It is equivalent to entering into the soil of4.80 million tons of covering manure. It must be kept in mind that using of straw as fertilizer is cheaper in comparison with entering manure into the soil. Effective use of all biological resources of plants mineral nutrition in regional agriculture stabilizes soils fertility of agricultural grounds, will increase the efficiency of field crops and improve ecological situation in agrocenoses.

manure, litter, straw, siderats, peat, sapropel, bacterial fertilizers, soils fertility, crops productivity
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