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Abstract (English):
Mobile solar drying plant for drying fruits of berry crops using solar energy has been developed, the principle of which is that the selective material under the influence of solar rays heats up and transfers thermal energy in the form of infrared radiation inside the housing. Selective material consists of aluminum plate with electrochemically deposited copper with absorbing capacity of 0.95 and blackness degree of 0.05. It is capable of freely passing and absorbing infrared rays, while the reflector for thermal radiation itself, increasing the produc- tivity of drying plants, and also the temperature in solar dryer by 2.5-3.5 ° C. In the case of insufficient solar radiation, film electric heaters (FEH) are used as a source of infrared radia- tion. The material located on the grid, under the influence of infrared rays, is dried 2.5 times faster with two film electric heaters, while the cost of electricity is reduced by 25 %. When two FEHs are used in mobile helio-drying plant, when drying the fruit of chokeberry within six hours, residual humidity of16.2 % is reached. This gel drying plant is easily manufac- tured from film infrared electric heaters, polycarbonate, with aluminum cover on which electrochemically deposited copper. Dried fruits of black chokeberry in solar drying plant can be used for long-distance transportation, long-term storage with subsequent use for medical purposes (vitamin teas, traditional medicine, etc.), as well as in food industry.

solar energy, solar installation, infrared heat- ing, drying berry crops
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