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Abstract (English):
Nowadays the main role in additional radiation of an or- ganism of farm animals by radionuclides of artificial origin is played by strontium-90 and caesium-137, and also natural lead-210 which get to trophic power-supply circuits of cattle after using the products of processing of hydrocarbonic raw materials and fertilizers in agrarian sector. The accumulation of radionuclides in the organism of cattle and their transition to meat and dairy production depend on physiological condi- tion of animals, their efficiency, structure of the diet and its balance of mineral elements, and also on many other factors. The work purpose was studying the features of transition of radioactive isotopes of strontium, caesium and lead to meat- and-milk production from a daily set of forages of dairy cows at summer pasturable keeping on gray forest soil of Ishim area. The researches of forages and meat-and-milk produc- tion were carried out in 2002-2010 in Abatsky Region of a forest-steppe zone of the South of Tyumen Region. The herd of black and motley cows of Ural offspring with milk yield of 4.2-5.3 thousands kg per lactation during summer period was on free pasture with mixed grass structure, in addition to green material animals received shredded grain mix of oats and peas. The measurement of specific activity of 137Cs, 90Sr and 210Pb in samples of forages and meat and dairy produc- tion was carried out on USK “Gamma-plus”, with application of radiochemical analysis. The researches showed that ac- cumulation of radioactive strontium, caesium and lead in green material of pasturable grass was 1.5-6 times higher, than in the grain of cereal and bean mix which was grown up on gray forest soil in Ishim area. In structure of the global radionuclides containing in a summer diet of dairy cows stron- tium-90 made 40.6 %, caesium-137 - 16.8 and lead-210 -42.6 %. The percent of transition of radioactive caesium to milk from a daily diet in our experiments was higher, than strontium, in 3.3, and lead by 8 times, in meat - in 12.6 andtimes respectively. The coefficients of transition of radio- active strontium and caesium in meat-and-milk production from summer diet, with the low content of these elements in sterns, in the conditions of the South of Tyumen Region were 1.9-3.1 times less, than at high pollution by global radionu- clides of vegetable forages.

cattle, summer diet of dairy cows, technogenic radionuclides, coefficients of transition of nu- clides to milk and meat of cows
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