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Abstract (English):
The research objective was the definition of indica- tors of the quality of the main zoned varieties of spring wheat at the influence of the level of chemicalixation. Research problems include the detection of distinctions in productivity and quality indicators of grain between varieties of spring wheat, and also the analysis of change of these indicators when using mineral fertiliz- ers. As the objects of the research 6 zoned varieties of spring wheat of various selection and different groups of ripeness acted: Buryatskaya ostistaya - mid-late, Iren and Novosibirskaya 15 - early ripening, Тulunskaya 11, Pamyati Yudina and Yunata - mid-early. The experi- ments were made in 2016, 2017 on bare fallow on typi- cal gray forest, hard loamy soil with the contents in ara- ble layer (0-20 cm) of humus of 4.5-4. 9 %, P2O5 - 10.8-11.2 and K2O - 8.2-9.1 mg / 100 of the soil. The research was conducted on experimental field of Irkutsk Research and Development Institute of Agriculture. In the laboratory of agrochemical analysis of institute, and also in Test laboratory of Federal State Budgetary Insti- tution Russian Agricultural Center branch across Irkutsk Region the analyses of the quality of grain by standard techniques were carried out. Such indicators of quality of grain as protein content and glutens, its quality, grain nature, its vitreousness and the mass of 1000 grains were studied. It was established that cultivated varieties had certain distinctions on separate indicators of the quality and different degree of responsiveness to the application of fertilizers. On protein content all presented varieties did not show any distinctions in comparison with control option (without fertilizers). The increase of natural weight and fineness of grain was noted almost in all varie- ties. The content of gluten (31-45 %) and its quality on fertilized background increased in the varieties Iren, Pamyati Yudinaand, Тulunskaya 11 by 7-21 %. The vari- eties Buryatskaya ostistaya, Iren and Yunata improved their grain hardness when applied with N30P30K30 by 8-28 %.

variety, grain quality, productivity, crops, protein, gluten, hardness
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