Russian Federation
The research objective was monitoring of racial structure, dynamics of change of a virulence of brown rust activator and the search of effective sources of sta- bility. Long-term results of virulence analysis of natural population of causative agent of brown rust of wheat of Krasnoyarsk Region were presented. Racial and geno- typic composition of 716 monopustulan isolates of the pathogen was determined using differentiating sets of varieties of host plant. 11 physiological races of the fun- gus were identified: 10, 20, 57, 68, 77, 107, 117, 122,144, 172 and 184, depending on a year and variety, 10, 20, 77 and 122 race predominated. Every year in spore samples there were 77 races with the frequency of11.0 % in 2003 up to 96.4 % in 2016. When determining pathogenesis of pathogen on 16 isogenic lines, 47 pathotypes were identified, in the period 2000-2006, the patents SGFT-14.3 % and SGKT - 12.3 % dominated, later TJTT - 30.5 % and TJPT - 25.9 %, two - TJTT and TGTT, were noted during all the years of study. The differences between the pathotypes were mainly due to virulence genes pp 3a, 3ka, 9, 11, 24 and 26. The anal- ysis of monopustul isolates on isogenic lines of Tocher (Tc) and resistance genes Lr 1 - Lr 50 revealed that the majority of lines showed susceptibility. The immunityshowed the lines whose resistance was determined by the genes Lr 41 and Lr Sp. The lines with resistance genes Lr 3a, 3bg, 3ka, 9, 11, 19, 24, 26, 36, 45 and 47, showing variability in resistance, can be used to monitor changes in the population of the pathogen of Krasno- yarsk Region. As a result of conducted studies, effective resistance genes of host plant were established: Lr 9, 19, 26, 41, 45, 47 and Sp. The lines and varieties with these genes can be used to create resistant wheat vari- eties to brown rust for cultivation in Eastern Siberia.
region, wheat, stability, rust, monopustic isolate, race, patotip
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