Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was the analysis of modern technologies of haylage preparation and the search of the main directions to increase quality indicators of haylage forage prepared under adverse weather and climatic conditions of the regions of Russia. The re-search problems were to carry out the analysis of tech- nical and technological support of the process of haylage preparation; to reveal the main ways of im- provement of the quality of haylage forage prepared in difficult weather climatic conditions characterized by high hydrothermal coefficient and considerable overcast of the sky during harvest works; to prove the main direc- tions of the improvement of technical means for prepa- ration of qualitative forage. It has been found out that the most effective under adverse climatic and weather conditions of the North-Western part of Russia (with highly probable precipitation and dense clouding) is “wrapped” haylage preparation. The important role in providing quality indicators of prepared grass forage belongs to rolled press sorters. However, the bales formed with available bailers do not always have a uni- form height or a uniform density, thus allowing much air within. It promotes longer period of course of the pro- cesses of fermentation in haylage weight and the in- crease of its temperature is higher than admissible val- ues leading to the decrease in the digestibility of protein, the destruction of carotene and deterioration of some other quality indicators of forage. A perspective trend in increasing haylage quality is the improving design parametres of round roll pick-up balers. Domestic and foreign agricultural machinery producers, research teams and groups in higher education institutions are working nowadays on the problem and offering various solutions of how to improve machinery efficiency. Com- bined presswork systems appear to be most effective in increasing haylage mass density and the uniformity of the bales. One of technically viable solutions to improve press chamber of pick-up bailer is offered in the study.

fodder procurement, wrapped haylage, fodder quality, balers, presswork systems
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