Russian Federation
The aim of the research was to study the indicators characterizing meat quality of argali hybrids with Roma- nov breed and their purebred counterparts in compara- tive aspect. The research problems were to determine live weight in the groups of hybrids and their purebred analogs; to carry out control slaughter; to study the indi- cators characterizing meat productivity and chemical meat composition. The research was conducted at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Russian Research Institute of Farm Animal Genetics and Breed- ing RRIFAGB named after academician L.K. Ernst", Moscow Region. Three groups сontaining10 heads in each were formed to study meat productivity and meat quality. Control group consisted of purebred Romanov sheep, group II - hybrids of the second generation with¼ blood on argali and ¾ on Romanov breed, and group III - hybrids with ⅛ blood on argali and ⅞ on Romanov breed. Control slaughter was performed taking 3 heads from each group at the age of 4 months. The slaughter and evaluation of meat productivity of experimental an- imals were carried out by the method of RRIFAGB (1978). Slaughter qualities, physical and chemical prop- erties of meat, including moisture, fat and protein con- tent were studied. Biological value of proteins in studied samples was estimated by protein-quality indicators (PQI), amino acid indices. The mass of the pair of hy- brids with ⅛ blood on argali for 16.2 % (P> 0.95) was more, than in hybrids of F2 and 8.7 % more, than pure- bred rams. The meat of hybrids with ¼ blood content of argali contained protein by 1.14 % (P>0.99) more than purebred rams. Thus, the researches of meat productivi- ty and quality of meat show that the hybrids on the mainindicators characterizing meat qualities surpass pure- bred Romanov analogs.
meat productivity, hybrids of argali, rams, Romanov breed, the quality of the meat, argali blood
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